
Default Values

This example uses default values

Using a Keyboard

First give the element focus by adding a tabindex="0" to your <star-rating> element. On focus, you can use the left & right arrow keys to increase & decrease the value

Changing Custom Images

Changing the src attribute will update the rating icon images. This attribute requires two URL's that are comma separated in a single string value. Click or tap on the update button below to change the src attribute from the default value to a value of "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/23/US-O7_insignia.svg/2000px-US-O7_insignia.svg.png, http://www.elm.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gold-star.jpg" . Click or tap the reset button to reset the example back to the default src value.

Updating the rating maximum value

Changing the maxvalue attribute will update the total amount of rating icons. This attribute is the maximum potential rating value a <star-rating>. Click or tap on the update button below to change the maxvalue attribute from the default value to a value of 10. Click or tap the reset button to reset the example back to the default maxvalue value.

Updating the image size

Changing the size attribute will update the total amount of rating icons. This attribute is the maximum potential rating value a <star-rating>. Click or tap on the update button below to change the maxvalue attribute from the default value to a value of 10. Click or tap the reset button to reset the example back to the default maxvalue value.



'ratingUpdated' is a DOM Custom Event that fires whenever the value of the <star-rating> is updated. This event passes a JavaScript object with two key/value pairs that are accessible on the 'event.detail' object. Test this example out by selecting a <star-rating> star to update it's current rating.

Event Detail

maxvalue this is the current 'maxvalue' attribute value at the time the event fires

value this is the current value property/attribute value at the time the event fires

The 'ratingUpdated' event has fired with:

Event.detail.maxvalue of 5

Event.detail.value of 0



This attribute consists of two urls that are comma separated in a single string value. These two image paths get added as a background-image url in the css.

required: no

expected value: String

default value: Embedded datauri SVG


maxvalue is the total number of stars you wish to display.

required: no

expected value: integer

default value: 5


size defines the height & width values in css recognized units for each individual star.

required: no

expected value: css unit string

default value: 36px



value type: number


the value property represents the number of stars currently selected.